Land South of Lumley Road, Kendal, Cumbria: Geophysical Survey Report
A geophysical survey was recommended by the Historic Environment Officer at Cumbria Historic Environment Service following a desk-based assessment of land south of Lumley Road, Kendal, Cumbria. A magnetometer survey of the area was undertaken between 29th September and 1st October 2014. For the most part, the survey identified features of geological origin. Many of the discrete responses match cropmarks visible in an aerial photograph from 1955 and are generally random in nature. Responses such as these are typical of the underlying geology of post-glacial gravel. The survey also identified a rectilinear feature, possibly a ditched enclosure of archaeological origin, in the north-west corner of the survey area that matched the general size and shape of the southern part of a cropmark visible in a similar location on the 1955 photograph.
The full report will be made available on the Archaeology Data Service website.