2 Ridgeway Cottages, Peel Road, Blackpool, Lancashire: Archaeological Watching Brief
An archaeological watching brief was requested by Lancashire County Council’s Archaeological Service (LCAS) ahead of the proposed construction of a domestic extension and garage at 2 Ridgeway Cottages, Peel Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, due to the potential for archaeological remains on the site. The site is located in an area where a number of flint scatters of probable Neolithic origin have been recorded which suggests that there was a prehistoric settlement in the vicinity. The scatters were identified in the 1990s, during fieldwork carried out as part of the North West Wetlands Survey, however, no significant archaeological finds or features were observed during the course of this watching brief. The find spots recorded by the North West Wetlands Survey were discovered field walking a wide area and that no archaeological features were encountered on this occasion is perhaps in part due to the fact that the area excavated during the course of the groundworks was relatively small.
The full report is available on the Archaeology Data Service website: https://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-700-1/dissemination/pdf/greenlan1-76153_1.pdf